As our government moves to review current COVID-19 restrictions tomorrow we are eagerly awaiting the outcome on when we can begin seeing our clients again.
In some states of Australia, restrictions have eased and Cosmetic Injectors have been able to return to work, so we are hopeful that we may be hearing some good news here in Victoria soon.
We understand that home schooling and iso life may have resulted in a few extra frown lines and we are looking forward to minimising these for you once again.
In readiness for our return, whenever that may be: we have made a number of changes on how we operate our clinic, to further ensure its a safe place to both work and be treated during these times.

We will be extending our standard appointment times, to allow for additional cleaning before and after each client arrives. Because of this we will have limited appointments available so please book ahead to avoid disappointment.
Upon taking appointments, we will be screening all clients by asking the question “Have you been ill in the last two weeks?” “Do have a cough or temperature?”
These questions will be asked again when confirming appointments and sending appointment reminders via text.
Our waiting areas will be closed, and chairs and all reading material will be removed from these spaces.
Once a client has finished their appointment, the treatment room, all equipment and entryway will be disinfected ready for the next client.
We ask that clients wait in their car in between appointments. We will let you know when we are ready for you to come into the clinic.
Cashless payments will be the preferred payment option to minimise the risk of transmission.
As always, we will be operating by appointment only. Strictly no walk ins will be accepted.
We have intensified our already strict hygiene standards and our staff have completed the refresher module - Infection Control Training Module, specific to COVID 19 through the Australian Government Department of Health.
We have set up additional hand sanitation stations around the clinic.
In summary, here’s what we need you to do when coming to see us:
Do not attend if you are feeling unwell.
Ensure your face is clean and makeup free upon arrival
Wait in your car for your appointment time
Wash your hands on arrival
Please come alone to your appointments
We are looking forward to seeing you soon to give you that much needed "Pep up" post corona.